This section highlights a number of the unique lessons students get to experience at the Alpine School Campus. In designing the local curriculum we have aimed to select classes which are relevant, enjoyable, engaging and integrated with learning from the core School for Student Leadership educational program. Our unique program at the Alpine School focuses on engaging the students in activities which allow them to explore and learn about the local environment and cultures; both indigenous and non-indigenous. Gaining a sense of belonging in local places through knowledge and experience is a key learning outcome. Providing safe and enjoyable outdoor experiences which facilitate the practical application of knowledge gained from Thinking and Learning, Peer Skills, Leadership and Teamwork classes is another primary objective of the localised program. |
Introduction to mountain bikes and off road riding.  The desired outcomes of this unit are to install the students with confidence in all aspects of biking. We introduce the students to riding in the Alpine environment (both on and off road) and hope to build their confidence so they can utilise their time on bikes whilst at the Alpine School Campus. The lessons also help students to develop a thorough understanding on bike repair and bike maintenance. |
Read more... [Alpine Lessons - Bike Riding]
Each student undertakes Basic Emergency First Aid during the early weeks of our program. The course follows current standards established by Life Saving Victoria. The lessons are taught by Alpine School teachers who have been trained by Life Saving Victoria.
The lessons cover Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), managing injuries such as sprains, bleeding, fractures and burns and the management of shock. The students learn through observation and participation in class, as well as practicing CPR on manikins. There are also lessons in the outdoor environment, with scenarios designed around potential real-life situations the students may face when on expedition or out and about our local area. |
The Peer Skills program is an interactive learning experience designed to acknowledge and build on the natural listening, helping and problem solving skills of young people. The program helps young people develop their relationship skills and increases their confidence in safely assisting a friend or peer who is experiencing a problem. |
Read more... [Alpine Lessons - Peer Skills]
During their stay at Alpine, students have the privilege of attending photography classes with acclaimed Australian photographer David Tatnall. |
Read more... [Alpine Lessons - Photography]
The Presentation Skills Lesson gives our students the opportunity to practice necessary skills to enable them to give an engaging, enjoyable and comprehensive presentation. |
Read more... [Alpine Lessons - Presentation Skills]
Raft building day is based around teamwork and skills learnt throughout the term. The students are given small clues to navigate their way around the dredge hole at Harrietville on a raft they build. |
Read more... [Alpine Lessons - Raft Building]