I have made some awesome friends up here at my time at TAS; all my friends are friends I’m always going to remember for the rest of my life.
All my friends here are all different. Some of them like horses, others like motorbikes some like soccer, foot ball, net ball and heaps of other sports. Then there is the MUSIC lovers like me and my most favourite are the BOOK lovers, they come up with the best personalities and are very fun people.
I love my new friends here; I will miss them when I leave and like I keep saying I’m going to try and stay in contact with them. My best friend, the 2 I get along with most would have to be Kevin and Zach. They are funny and just about keep me happy it’s funny.
I would not change anything of my new friends they are all funny, they keep me going and make sure I am good.
TAS has shown me that everyone is awesome in their own little way, and that if you don’t like them for who they are then you’re judging them before you get to know them.
My friends back at school are way different and I miss them dearly, it’s different here, I still tell my friends here everything. In the girls wing it’s like were all sisters and all looking out for each other but at the same time where the best of friends ever, I am also going to say my roomy is my BESTY here, well tell each other everything I am going to miss her when we go.
When I came here I thought I wouldn’t make any good friends, but man I was wrong. The friends I make here are my friends for life they are so good. If I could describe my friends I would but the only words that describe them are: AWSOME, FRIENDLY, COOL and FUNNY. I love my new FRIENDS ☺
By April |
 2B which is my group just got back from expo 2 days ago. It was a 3 day and 2 night hike.
The first day we walked to Blair’s hut which was about 7km from TAS it was a pretty easy walk little uphill parts but apart from that. When we arrived there was another school there too so we kind of made friends with them, we pitched out tents and started to cook dinner before it got dark. That night I had carbonara it was yummy! We went to bed around 10pm because we had a big day ahead of us.
We awoke at 7am and had breakfast and packed up our camp site and started to walk to Dibbins hut where we could either stay there the night or go up the spur and stay at Derricks which was what we done.
Overall I think going up the spur was the hardest part of the 3 days but good, everyone started to get really hot and tired and just felt like going to sleep but everyone stayed really positive and persisted until we got to Derricks hut. That night we watched the sun set which was pretty cool. We all headed off to bed around 10.30 and just had a chat with our tent roomy.
The 3rd day was the really easy day - we just took it easy and we had time to sit by ourselves and think about what we want to do with our last 2 weeks at TAS. It was good to be able to have some time to ourselves.
As soon as I knew it the expo was over and I was worried that it would drag on. Being at TAS and having these great experiences has been awesome!
By Ebony-Shae |
Well today we had a rest day which is one of our last ones for this term.
Some people went to Omeo to play sports and swim afterwards, while other people stayed back and did passport work, as a couple of the expo groups have already had all their passport sessions and have to complete it in their own time. The only other thing that was planned for today was a movie which we got to pick. We ended up watching National Treasure 1 which ended up to be good.
This was our first rest day in over 20 days as we had parent visiting weekend a couple of days after the last day we had. I know that some people were looking forward to it as one expo group came back from second expo yesterday and another group the day before. Many people used today to just simply rest.
Sophie |
4 Days ago 2A headed off on expo, not knowing what to expect of what seemed like 3 days of non-stop walking.
After discussing our roles and our team motto FECES (Focus, Encouragement, Co-operation, Enjoyment and Smiles), we got in the vans and drove off, down to a car park near Mt Hotham. Starting from this point, we headed off down a 4WD track, on our way to a place called Dibbins Hut. From the get-go one of Hoppers Crossing’s liaison teachers found it hard, as she was not wearing appropriate footwear. After walking for about 9km we stopped at the Red Robin Battery, to check it out. When Ryan, Sam and I returned, we found out that the Hoppers’ teacher had rolled her ankle multiple times, and that she had to return back home with our other liaison teacher. Because of this, we set up camp at the Red Robin helipad, 3km before our desired destination. It was ok as there was a nice river nearby, but there were a lot of ants. After eating dinner and dessert we headed off to our respective tents, in which I shared mine with Ryan and Kevin. |
Read Zach's full blog account ... [2A Returning from Expo]
Today we had music with artist Lee Rosser from Bright. We got to write a song as a class and then record it a few days later.
Our group wrote a reggae song and recorded it this afternoon. It was great fun. Lee really knows what he’s talking about and is really helpful in giving us ideas about what to write and how to go about it.
First off, we recorded Lee playing guitar, then the second guitar over that. The bass was recorded and then we began on the vocals. All the boys had to sing on the chorus which was quite funny, there was a lot of reluctance throughout the boys, but eventually managed to just start having fun with it and doing it anyway. Three of the girls each had one verse of singing solo and everyone sung during the chorus. It took a fair while for all the girls to have recorded their own verse and a lot of embarrassed giggles coming from them as well. Then we messed about with some percussion such as, egg shakers, the bottom of the guitar, the bookshelf and maracas. We also had to stand around the microphone and clap whilst slowly spinning around in a circle; we got a few confused looks from the classes looking in through the window.
All up everyone had a lot of fun and we are all really glad we got the chance to record and write song. It was a great day and I think we owe many thanks to Lee Rosser.
By Zeb |
Yesterday core 2 loaded a BBQ lunch and packed all the bikes needed and headed off on the twisty road to Bright.
It was a beautiful day and the weather wasn’t too hot or too cold. Firstly we split into groups (we actually didn’t have to go in our expo group for once) then we rock, paper scissored to see who did the walk or ride first. Lucky me I was in the group that went on the walk first. The walk was lovely, it was along a nice clean river. The best thing about the walk was the swing bridges. I’m not sure how stable they are but we all had fun swinging along, and one of the boys had bright red marks on his hips from where one of the girls had held onto him because she was so scared. |
Read Olivia's full story ... [Bike Ride and Walk in Bright.]
Today we had a really fun day where we went down to Bright and we had a very nice walk, had a BBQ, went for a bike ride and we went for a swim as well and it was awesome.
We walked down the canyon walk which was very exciting. It had 2 very long swing bridges where we walked across and the girls in my group were just screaming their heads off - it was really cool.
The BBQ we had was sausages, bacon and eggs, tomatoes and stuff like that, it was good food we had to cook it ourselves, the bike ride was really fun because we had a very fun time looking at the scenery and it looked really cool. After the bike ride we were totally exhausted and we needed to cool off so we got the chance to go swimming we were only there for about 20 minutes but everyone had a great time and it was a very fun day where we all got involved and we were all happy.
By Shannon. |
Today we had our ALP, it started off with all of us preparing in our groups, people were nerves for the grade 3/4’s that would come and be our audience for the day.
When they got here the first groups were all ready, the groups had activities and games for the kids to play. After this we had lunch, it was extra long because the 3/4’s arrived early, so we all ate then we went out to the slope, the kids ran round kicking balls and messing about while the older kids sat down and took in the extra time. The rest of the day went fast; group after group then the kids had to leave, but just as they were leaving the fire truck came, all the kids went through and had a great time. Overall the day was a complete success.
By Lachlan |
Today I was student leader, this morning we had 1A and 1B go on their expo today, they left this morning, the rest of us had CLP right up until lunch time.
It was quiet because I had the whole dining room to myself because the other CLP groups were in different rooms and I am the only one in my CLP. Once lunch was over we had Passport, we went off in to different rooms again so we didn’t interrupt the other expo group when they got back from camping the night before.
By Billy |
Today we had an ALP class and my ALP group of Abby, Lachlan, Sophie Lee and I are doing a presentation on bushfires. So luckily Mr Davies gave us the opportunity to go down to Dinner Plain fire station and look around and to find out how everything works. We saw a whole heap of different things from the fire trucks down to the simplest things like the clothes you wear when fire fighting in winter or summer. It was really interesting and fun; there are so many things I didn’t know but now I do. I didn’t know that one of the duties that top of the truck is used for is to put out grass fires, also so if the crew were there they can grab a blanket out of the storage compartments and put it over them if there was a blow over of flames. |
Read Lizzie's blog ... [Fire Truck]
At lunch today we achieved our community goal, which was to set up a long row of tables outside and eat lunch together as one big, massive group. To start off with there was a few people who didn’t like the idea, but once we actually put our plan into action everyone enjoyed themselves and our goal was a great success.
Jaimee |
Today has been a wonderful day. My expo group had off-road bikes, it was fun!
The bus dropped us off at Victoria River and we rode out 8km down a dirt road in the mountains. I’m pretty much a local from around here so I thought I had seen it from driving through, but on a bike you get to slow down and really take in the view. Gosh, it was beautiful. Riding around the bends, racing with the boys and then stopping to see the Victoria Falls; pretty spectacular. When we stopped we jumped off the road and Mr. Michie showed us an old tunnel, which we proceeded to crawl through, because we’re fearless teenagers. It was once part of the first hydro-electricity scheme in Australia. I thought that was really interesting. After riding to Omeo on rest day my biking muscles were hurting quite a bit, but I challenged myself and finished the ride third, and I was pretty proud of myself. |
Read more from Rika [Off Road Bikes & Missing Our Friends]
Today was another rest day. A group of sixteen people plus two teachers went on a bike ride to from Dinner Plain to Omeo. It was over 40 kilometres and it took over three hours.
No one fell off their bike and everyone managed to make it to Omeo in one piece. Most of the boys, including myself made the mistake of not putting sunscreen on their arms and they could really feel the pain of it at the end of the day.
After the long ride up tough hills, we made it to Omeo, where we had lunch. Everyone was really hungry and very tired but luckily some teachers picked us up and brought us back to school. At the end of the day everyone was very happy with their efforts, and was glad that they made the decision to do something exciting instead of sitting inside all day having a rest. By Matt |
Today was the most beautiful day. The sun was out and everybody was having a great day. 1A and 1B were both out on expo skills - they all said that they had a good day learning and what to do for expo which is coming up later in the week.
Today I had beliefs and values. It was all about what you believe in and your outlook on the world - there are really no right or wrong answers. We watched a slide show of pictures that meant all different things. Then we discussed them and gave our opinions on them. We then looked through kaleidoscopes that make you see funny which was to get us to look at stuff in different ways and see stuff from different angles - about how everything is different. We all wrote down what our beliefs are and our values and shared with the group. They were all different as expected. |
Read Abby's full story ... [A Great Day]
Today was our first rest day.
A lot of us had been looking forward to it. A lot of activities had been planned, but the weather made it difficult. A movie was planned for the morning, and we watched School of Rock.
A walk had been planned to Carmichael Falls, on the other side of Dinner Plain. A small group went. We started by following a 4wd track, and we realised after a while that there was no turnoff. We walked back along the track, and must have walked straight past the signpost. |
Read Sarah's full story ... [Rest Days - Movie and a Long Walk]
 Bridge building was a lot of fun as our team all worked together very well while enjoying ourselves also.
Everyone had an input in building the bridge; no one gave up or slacked off leaving others to do more work. Time set a challenge as most of us in group 1A didn’t know how to tie knots at first so we had to be taught. Also, our tripods for our bridge fell apart as the ropes weren’t knotted tightly enough and the tripods also kept falling whenever we tried to make them stand so we had to re-build one of them and fiddle with the rest, trying to make them stand up. |
Read Alex's full blog ... [1a Bridge Building on Dry Land]