Meals has to be one of the worst jobs you have to do. For all meals you have to be there 15 minutes early and then set everything up. After breakfast you have to wash and sterilise everyone’s dishes and then clean up the kitchen. It definitely doesn’t help if one of your school group is “sick.” All this cleaning up eats into your free time so it gets frustrating. |
Read Marcus's full story ... [Meals]
When we had the cross country ski tour we went to Wire Plain for the day, it was cold but it was good snow to ski in. We split into groups , Portland and Matthew Flinders girls were together and then Doncaster and Balwyn we were together. Both groups went to the same place. There were heaps of big hills we had to go down but it was really fun and I think everyone enjoyed it. Mostly going down all the hills and being able to go down them without falling over. Doncaster and Balwyn stopped at the top of Wire Plain for morning tea but Portland and Matthew Flinders kept going to the Christmas tree area, we also went down the black, it was quite steep and windy but we all got down there in one piece. It was really fun going skiing for the whole day and going down heaps of hills for a change, I would want to do it again of course after that day. By Elle |
A few days ago on the 8th of august a rest day me and about 20 other people went to see the sled dog races.
After morning the head count (9:00 one) we left, we began walking towards the DP hut (Dinner Plain hut) this was where the sled dog races started and finished. We walked towards the stone memorial near the DP slope, and we saw a 3 dog (+ 1 man) team racing down the cross country slope there. Then we continued walking (off the track mind) and saw another 4 teams pass us, when we reached the DP hut we watched about 7 more teams come in. |
Read Chris' full story ... [Sled Dog Races at Dinner Plain]
This was the day we had all been waiting for, downhill skiing at Mt. Hotham. Everyone was so excited when we woke up, except to find out that it was overcast, windy and 70km/ph winds blowing our way. But we didn’t let that get our spirits down. We all had to wake up reasonably early, 6:30 was the average start and at breakfast by 7. We had a gear check at about 8, so everyone was fully prepared for any conditions ahead. We walked down our long Alpine School driveway to be picked up by the Hotham bus. It was a tight fit trying to fit 45 kids plus teachers onto a public bus, but we seemed to manage. Driving along, it was snowing like I’d never seen before. We couldn’t see outside our windows it was just white, that’s what we call up here a “white out”. |
Read Will's blog about Downhilling Skiing [Downhill Skiing at Mt Hotham]
We recently had a guest speaker come to the Alpine School to talk to us about how capable each and every one of us is. The guest speaker that came was Deborah Gray, who was born without arms and shortened legs. Before she began her talk she showed us a movie about a short part of her life, which included things she did, what was precious to her in life and also how capable her body was even though she lacked what most of us have.
Read Gordon's Blog [Guest Speaker - Deb Gray]
It was finally the day, the day that we go off on our first expo.
Our expo was going to be 2 days and one night. We left the campus at approximately 10 o’clock and our destination was JB Hut. JB Hut is located around 1.6 km from the campus. We were skiing along using our skills we had gained from all those cross country skiing lessons and after school skiing sessions. |
Read Adrian's Blog [Expo One]
Who would have though having a room mate would be so much fun!
I am very lucky that I have a great room mate. I get along with her so well. In the morning when my alarm goes off i wake her up and then we both get ready together. We organise who is doing the washing and when. We love to talk, I love telling her all my stories and she tells me all of hers.
My room mate isn’t very neat; I am a very neat person. You can tell which side of the room is hers and which side of the room is mine. When it comes to sleeping we both try very hard not to talk, it’s just so hard. We both end up laughing and laughing ourselves to sleep, or singing. It’s very fun. I love sharing a room with someone, it’s so great. |
At the Alpine school at the moment every one is really starting to feel relaxed being around every one else. At first we were all unsure because we didn’t know each other very well but now it all feels comfortable. It is starting to feel a lot like a big family, and now that we have been here for a few weeks, it feels natural. Of course we can’t all always get along but we all try as hard as we can and work together to get around the little problems that may arise. Sometimes people get sick of always being around everyone else and we are all good at giving other people space when they need it, even though it is some times hard to do when we are living so closely together. I am really enjoying being here, even though at the start it took a while to get used to the idea of staying here away from my family for nine weeks but now everything just feels so normal, its almost like having a home away from home. By Shanae |
Each day there are three duties that need to be taken on by a duty for the entirety of the day. The three duties are… - MEALS (you must set out every thing for each meal. Things such as cutlery, plates, bowls, etc. you must then serve the meals and then when everyone has eaten, clean up and do the dishes.)
- WET AREAS (you must clean the bathroom)
- COMMON AREAS (you must clean all the tables and vacuum all the floors in the common areas)
Read Hannah's full story [Duties]
On the 18 of July my expo group went bridge building. It was very important that we worked as a team, for the goal of the exercise was to build a bridge but that was not the main goal. The main goal was to improve our teamwork skills and the smaller goals inside that were to listen to each other, treat everybody equally and consider every idea that’s just the few main ones that I can think of. While bridge building I lent how to tie different types of knots but they weren’t really knots but I can’t remember their correct names. We all worked well together and the exercise helped us to all bond some more. It was an excellent day and we all got a lot out of it; even though the bridge ended up floating down stream. By Samara |
At the alpine school students experience something called home sickness… To give you a insight on why homesickness is common at alpine is because us students have never known anything different then what is at home, what we do during our day and the structure we have for ourselves. Now for a whole term, 45 students from all over Victoria are put together with a new structure and new surroundings. We have hardly any communication from home and are not very connected to the outside world. For some, this experience is what they need but most of us students do get homesick. |
Read Eli's full story [Home Sickness]
Today was the day when we were introduced to our passports. Your passport is documentation that you make yourself that shows how you have progressed at the Alpine School. You get to choose in what form you make it and how so you could do it as a PowerPoint, a scrapbook, an art portfolio, a book or anything else that you think of. There are 9 sections to the passport, your personal profile, beliefs and values, role models, thinking and learning, knowledge of teams, understanding of leadership, management of self, personal and professional development and future goals. |
Read Lily's full story [Our Passports]
Before I came to The Alpine School I had never been skiing before and I always thought it looked like such an elegant sport - but now that I am learning to ski, my opinion on the sport has changed. Today was the second time I had ever been skiing; I fell while going down hills, up hills, while turning and even when standing still. I fell over a total of 9 times- and they definitely weren’t elegant falls. |
Read Meg's full story [The Elegance of Skiing]