Today (6/06/2011) Deb Gray come a spoke to us. Wow! She is amazing. Debbi's life is a story of courage, strength and resilience.
She was born in 1957 without arms and with malformed legs. Standing just 1.14 metres, Debbi has no complaints: “nature provided me with a lot of really special abilities – an agile upper body, long neck, strong teeth and jaw, and dexterous toes”.
In a jam-packed life, she has travelled solo around the world, driven to Broome and hitchhiked to Cairns. She has ridden horses, typed with her feet and given birth to a beautiful daughter.
Debbi is unstoppable. She cares for her daughter, Emma, is active in her local Gippsland community, runs her own business, does cross stitch and speaks at conferences and schools. She is now writing her own story to assist and inspire others.
I spoke to her about 10 minutes before her speech and was truly inspired, she has an amazing sense of humor, when we were doing headcount she started yelling out random numbers and confusing everyone, it was very funny.
Deb Gray, you're truly amazing!
Taylah. W |
Well Hi there,
My name is Steph W and I'm from Camperdown College. I was accepted into the Alpine School last October along with 5 of my classmates. We were all counting down from 100 days, and now look where we are? Halfway into this fantastic program. So far I've learnt so much! Just last night I was discussing with my roommate about how much we have achieved in such a short time. We have all learnt to live with 44 other new people and get used to a routine of up at 6.30 and asleep by about 10.
So much has happened! All groups have been on expo 1 and survived, core one had a massive day walk out to Mount Tabletop, we all participated in community service and most recently came back from visiting weekend!
The 23rd of May was a special day for me. It was my first birthday away from home. I turned 15 and had a fantastic day. Everyone signed a card for me and some people even hand-made one. It was weird not spending it with my parents but it was good in a way. It was a big difference to what I'm used to, that's for sure. I got to have a late birthday dinner and presents on the weekend with my mum though and it was really great.
With only 4 weeks to go everyone is very anxious. We have a lot to do in the rest of our time here with the first of expo 2 starting this Friday! We have passports to complete. CLP and POL presentations to do and of course make the most of the snow that has just arrived.
Yesterday we had 2 very special visitors come and see us. We had Deb Gray who was very inspirational woman and David Tatnall who is a very gifted photographer. We spoke to Deb in the afternoon about her life. She is 54 years young and was born with no arms and only half of her legs. She stands 3ft 8 and a half and is one of the coolest people I have ever met. She talked about her travelling around the world, raising her daughter and even her school life. Two things she told me will stick with me forever- that the girl that bullied her (Nola) was the one who made her want to succeed and now Nola was overweight and works in a pub - who got the last laugh there? And also every day is a new day. No matter how tough of a time you're having every day is a new day. David showed us a slide show with some of his photography and we were all amazed. I'm actually off to have my first lesson with him.
Take care and until next time,
Steph |
We don’t think we have ever eaten so much in our 14 years of living…
For dinner, Mr S made a wonderful meatloaf and because it was so good we had to go back for seconds. Then we saw that there was half a tub of vegetables left over and Mr S asked us if we wanted to finish it off. So us being the vego lovers that we are, of course we said yes. After halving the rest of a tub of vegetables each and feeling extremely full, we thought we might as well race to eat 3 mandarins. We never thought a mandarin could have so many pips. Miss Joyce told us to have two glasses of water. When we later asked why, we discovered it was when we threw up; it was to make throwing up easier! We have promised to never be that silly ever again!
Bye for now from two very full and very sick girls,
Lucy G and Taylah W |
So we've just had parent visiting and we're all still on a high from seeing our families. Oh and we still have a sugar rush eating lots of junk food. When Saturday morning arrived we had a quick clean-up of the school before we had a briefing on what visiting weekend entailed. Once that was done and the clock struck 9 we were so excited. We all lined up on the veranda and watched with anticipation as car by car came up the drive way and people ran to re-unite with their family.
Once we had all departed we went our separate ways and had a night away from what has been our home for the past 5 weeks.
I had a fantastic weekend with my family and I think I can say the same for every other person here. Unfortunately my eldest brother couldn't make it as he was in NZ but I still got the chance to call him!
At four o'clock Sunday everyone was home. Well what we now call home! There were endless stories being told and photos being showed and lollies being franticly finished off and every one had had a great weekend. And now we are back into usual routine just like before, and it's going to stay that way for the next four weeks!
Time is going fly, we are going to love and we are going to be a big group of 45 crying students on the last day but I think we are all looking forward to what's ahead and definitely looking forward going home on the 2nd of July.
Jacqui and Samantha! |
Today we did our ALP (Alpine Learning Project). We presented to the primary school students from the Alpine Area. My group presented “Bushfire”. We got the local Dinner Plain Fire Brigade
By Ryan C. |

Hi everyone, it’s Madeline M and Maddison B.
It’s been such a busy week, so much has been going on!
We had our fist expo Wednesday 18th May; we left at 9:00am on the bus. It was about a 20 minute drive to a car park where we got out and cut into the bush to begin the 8km walk for the day. We walked along the aqueduct. There were a few trips along the way and as we got close to the camp site we got really bored! Tom and Max grabbed some sticks and put on an Indian accent and started playing what we call COD (call of duty). It kept us all entertained the rest of the way and we were all in stiches! |
Read more from Madeline and Maddison's blog [Busy week]
At my school Elizabeth Murdoch College, I applied to attend the Alpine College. I found out about it in year 8 but I didn’t know much about it, so it didn’t worry me much till I did find out more about it in April this year. As soon as applications were handed out I was so excited that during Maths I filled it out as quickly as I could and sent it to the office for the teachers to look at and say “Yep we want them, them and them.”
A few weeks went by and then the interviews came. I was so nervous my face was red, I couldn’t stop shaking and I felt like I was going to pass out. But I eventually calm down in the interview and was asked a lot of questions. After the interviews I went back to class and everybody was in my face asking “Did you get in, did you get in.” I said I don’t know yet and they seemed disappointed which kind of gave the hint they wanted to get rid of me but I didn’t mind really.
Another few weeks passed and I was in music when one of the teachers came in and asked for me and my friend. I was in the middle of a presentation and stuffed up badly because I was so nervous. She took me and my friend out and gave us envelopes. We opened them and I saw I got in and in excitement screamed but she said to keep it down and wait for my friend to open his. My friend is really bad at opening envelopes but got there eventually. When he got it he was so nervous he couldn’t read it so the teacher said he got in and we both screamed “HOORAY!!!” and again the teacher said to calm down. She congratulated us and said see you at our next meeting and me and my friend were so proud we got into our class and went crazy.
So here I am now having the time of my life and living with my new family for the next 7 weeks to come.
Till next time.
Jake |
Hi my name’s Mitch I am kicking off term two 2011 blogs for the school website. Overall I’ve been having a great time, all the students have gotten to know one another and become really close, the weather has been cold but amazing, and I am really looking forward to what the alpine school has install. Below are some of the things that have created my time here at TAS to be so enjoyable so far:
- Passing my safe food handling course
- Have taken part in CPR exam
- Have attempted to build a bridge across the Victoria River
- I have learnt about peoples different beliefs and values
- I have learnt about the four brain quadrants, and found out my preferred thinking style
- Taken part in my first peer skills lesson
- Started my passport
- I have also had my first session working on the Art Wall
- Taken part in Intro to Bikes lesson
- I have taken part in Intro to Navigation
- And last of all had enormous amounts of fun in the first of the season’s snow dumps!
Until next time, Mitch. |