CLP Resources
It is recommended that Home School Liaison Teachers visit the following websites:
The intention is that they are to be accessed by liaisons in order to create realistic, manageable student owned CLP projects - the ruMAD site has the 8 keys to madness which is of particular help. In order to access the 8 keys to madness, teachers or facilitators need to register and then access TOOLKIT.Alpine School Students - CLP projects

14 Feb |
All school teams are selected to the School for Student Leadership based on, amongst other things, a project related to their home communities. Community Learning Projects (CLP) are chosen for their valuable contribution to the communities to which students belong. They address real and pertinent issues such as:
If youth are to be valued they must be participants of the society to which they belong. They need to be given active roles in making decisions and improving their communities. Community Learning Projects allow students to choose issues which they are passionate about and which the community values. They place students in an adult role and give them adult responsibilities and thereby assist in this transition from childhood to adulthood. Community Learning Projects may be proposed by students or be an existing project. Students spend time in the first few weeks planning their project and doing any preliminary work to get these under way. The latter half of their time at The Alpine School Campus is devoted more intensively to completing these. Students are expected to have the planning and promotion of their project completed on leaving the Alpine School Campus but may not practically implement this project until they return to their communities. The implementation phase of their projects is often undertaken once they return and may involve the rest of their home school community or year level. Students are required to develop a comprehensive action plan prior to leaving The Alpine School Campus. A major focus for projects is on the process and students are required to regularly reflect on this and plan to implement necessary changes.